Day 4 SD/ND Hazelton Campground

Dignity Statue at the visitors center, Chamberlain, SD.

Indian horses on the reservation. We could only drive the east side (West side of the Missouri R.) at one reservation due to covid 19. It was a lovely drive.

The river is not a river any more. Well there are five dams, so there is a long string of reservoirs, except for a South section below all dams. So it looks like a very wide river, and we try to imagine a river beneath.

Crops seen since Wisconsin have been corn, soybeans and milo. Today we began to see sunflowers, heads hung in sorrow.

All those were in SD. We made it over the border and to a camp site in Hazelton, ND. We are the only tent here…. Sitting at the site on my phone, waiting for confirmation/registration. It is a strange way they do these things now.


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