Day 6: Day of the Rivers

We had last night passed the confluence of the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers. We began following Clark’s return section along the Yellowstone River.
We were on interstate highway 94 and 90, 80 mph driving wheeeee!

The Terry Badlands. Yes, Badlands in Montana.

Pompeys Pillar National Parks Monument.  National Parks card got used finally first time in 10 years for Paula.

Paula saw her first Walmart this trip

Three Forks of the Missouri National Historic Landmark. This is the rivers confluence: Madison, Jefferson, Missouri. It is also the headwaters of the Great Missouri River. We head southwest along the Jefferson River.

Beaverhead Mountain…. Here’s a photo, what do you think?

Sunset photo.

Arrived in Dillon MT at dusk having found no camping spots. Enjoyed a great Mexican dinner, chicken enchiladas, chili rellenos.

Found an RV park that took tenters just at the edge of town. Imagine us setting up the tent by the light of the crescent moon.

542 miles completed today. Total miles so far 2371.


  1. Nice pictures JoAnn! But you need to tell Paula to smile…lol…
    I wonder how they came up with *Beaverhead mountain* 🙄…..

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